AIRBOSS DEFENSE GROUP was formed in January 2020 with the merger of AirBoss Defense, a global leader in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Critical Solutions International, an industry leader that delivers best-in-class route clearance and counter-IED solutions. ADG further expanded in May 2021 when it merged with BlackBox Biometrics, the leader in sensor technology that instantly assesses forces that can cause traumatic brain injury. The company is also recognized for its rapidly deployable decontamination systems, patient isolation systems, and respiratory protection equipment
AirBoss Defense Group provides military, first responder, and healthcare communities worldwide with a growing and diverse product portfolio, and we pride ourselves on being a survivability solutions provider. We specialize in manufacturing products that have been developed from both established military specifications and independently through AirBoss R&D activities.The combined company includes over 330 employees in five North American locations and has customers in over 70 countries worldwide.
We Protect Those Who Protect Us.
Děláme svět informací organizovanější.
AURA je světovou jedničkou v oblasti vojenských logistických informačních systémů. Máme více než 33 let zkušeností s vývojem a integrací informačních systémů ve více než 20 zemích na 5 kontinentech. Našimi hlavními produkty jsou Logistický informační systém (LIS), komplexní informační systém pro vojenskou logistiku, MC CATALOGUE, nejrozšířenější informační systém na světě pro kodifikaci podle NATO Codification System, a Publi, elektronická knihovna s možností zabezpečené řízené distribuce textových a multimediálních dokumentů. V oblasti CBRNe jsme výhradním zástupcem firmy Bruhn NewTech v Česku a na Slovensku. Další informace naleznete na našich webových stránkách
Bruhn NewTech exists to increase the number of people protected from airborne terror. Once airborne, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats are more frequent and life-threatening than ever before. We supply civil authorities and defense forces of NATO and more than 30 countries worldwide with proven and life-saving knowledge management. With more than 30 years of specialization, we have become a world-leading provider of software that efficiently detects threats, significantly reduces response time and accurately informs reaction plans. We aim to provide the needed certainty in times of emergency by supporting critical decision-making with real-time data.
DELINFO nabízí rozsáhlé portfolio produktů a služeb v oblasti výzkumu, vývoje a implementace specializovaných řešení pro sektor obrany. Hlavní produkt ICZ DELINFOS poskytuje hlavní schopnosti C4ISTAR pro štáby, vozidla a sesednuté vojáky jednotek pozemních sil.