Carrington is the largest producer of workwear fabrics in the UK, producing over 55 million metres of fabric annually, and exporting to more than 80 countries worldwide.
With 130 years in the industry, we’re based in Lancashire where British textiles began. And supported by massive investments, we have one of Europe's largest fully integrated textile processing and finishing operations.
CNM Textil is a well established and equipped textile finishing mill located in the Czech republic. We specialize on technical and uniform woven fabrics such as Cotton/PES, Nylon-Cotton, Polyamide or polyester blends. End use is for army and police uniforms, caps, backpacks, guncovers and so on. We also have our own accredited laboratory and give protocols with each delivery.
Společnost HQH SYSTEM byla založena v roce 1993 jako dodavatel anti-teroristického a moderního bezpečnostního vybavení pro ministerstva České a Slovenské republiky, ministerstva obrany, speciální jednotky, celní orgány a další státní složky.
S odkazem na naše bohaté zkušenosti v oblasti využití bezpečnostního a taktického vybavení v aktivních situacích, působí naše společnost také jako konzultant a koordinátor v široké škále nových projektů pro výzkum a vývoj v tomto specifickém prostředí.
Pravidelně pořádáme odborná školení se specializací na pokročilé obranné a bezpečnostní technologie vytvořené pro místní i celosvětový trh. Jsme zástupci předních zahraničních výrobců, jejichž produkty se zaměřují na armádu, policii, speciální jednotky, EOD a další.
Karrimor SF is a UK company with a long and successful history of designing and manufacturing load carriage solutions for demanding environments. The Karrimor SF brand enjoys a wide and loyal following globally in the outdoor community but is best known within the military and law enforcement.
As a leading global manufacturer of load carriage, Karrimor SF supplies a network of dealers and distributors as well as contracting directly with military, law enforcement and leading defence manufacturers worldwide. With a reputation for well designed, trusted and reliable products, Karrimor SF continues to demonstrate an enviable track record of supplying successful load carriage solutions designed for the modern war fighter and extreme adventurers alike.
LENZING™ FR blends for the military have been proven for many years, offering protection, comfort and durability. These blends are easy to print in camouflage prints with infrared properties that comply with demanding military specifications.
In challenging military actions, garments comprising LENZING™ FR fiber, reducing the risk of heat-stress and enhancing physiological performance.
Sapphire Finishing Mills Pakistan offers its services in manufacturing of woven fabrics in dyed / printed and finished form, targeted towards different segments of Law Enforcement including Tactical Wear. We are capable of producing various Camouflage designs qualifying required nIR values. Being preferred supply partners of Cordura NYCO fabrics as well as licensed Original MultiCam(r) design printers, we offer a unique solution to our clients.