At Chora, we deliver unique solutions specially designed for EW, intelligence and security agencies. As recognised experts in the field of Satellite Communications, we focus on innovation, performance and confidentiality to meet the expectations of end-users. Our field-proven success is based on close relationships with our customers, whose feedback and ideas are our primary source of inspiration to develop precise, robust and user-centric products i.e. highly mobile and easy to use.
Our tactical and strategic solutions are developed and manufactured in Denmark and are marketed worldwide through our subsidiary in Germany, a network of local distributors and a limited number of close partners.
Náš trezor pro Váš klid. Trezory vyrábíme přes 30 let a neustále je zdokonalujeme. Mezi odběrateli máme i ministerstva a nadnárodní koncerny. Od roku 1991 jsme dodali již přes 62 000 trezorů. Vyrábíme kolem 2 000 výrobků ročně a většina z nich putuje do evropských států.